Do you live in Cleveland or Clydesdale Tower - Have you taken our Building Safety Survey as yet?

Safety in your building

We are committed to doing everything we can to protect you and your home from the risk of fire. To help us to do this we will be creating Building Safety Customer Agreements. These agreements will contain information about the building you live in and include details such as:

  • our responsibilities as your landlord.
  • how you would like to be communicated with regarding building and fire safety.
  • what you need to do in the event of a fire.
  • how you can make a complaint or report your concerns.

We need your views and feedback to help us develop these agreements. We would love you to spare a couple of minutes to fill out a survey.

Please either scan the QR code or use the link below.

Completing the survey, will help us find out what the best engagement options are for your building and give you the opportunity to share any suggestions you may have.

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