High-Rise Living Forum

In early 2023, we started the process of inviting the residents of our high-rise buildings to be a part of our new High-Rise Living Forum.

The purpose of forming this group is for us to further understand and consider Building Safety and the wider context of high-rise living, from the perspective of customers living in high-rise buildings.

We received a great response from customers who wished to join the Forum and we were able to confirm 13 members for our first online meeting; which took place in May.

On June 29, we held our second High-Rise Living Forum meeting online via Microsoft Teams.

The input so far has been fantastic!

The members have expressed some of the issues that matter to them the most, such as:

  • Fire safety, precautions and evacuation
  • Noise
  • Leaseholder issues
  • Leaks
  • Future planned repairs
  • Cleaning
  • Smoking / Marijuana / Drug selling
  • Dogs in flats
  • Deliveries being left in communal areas – fire risks
  • Balcony evacuation
  • Welfare of people

Over the next 10 months (one meeting per month), we look forward to sharing information, addressing issues and gathering invaluable feedback from our members. All as part of our commitment to hearing your voice with all matters relating to high-rise building and fire safety.

Together, we are on a journey to doing whatever we can to help our customers feel safe in their homes.

Stay tuned for more updates!

If you have any concerns about the safety of your building, please give our contact centre a call, 0300 790 6555 one of our trained advisors will be able to help you.

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