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Building Safety Customer Agreement survey.

This survey is being carried out by Citizen, in line with the UK GDPR Data Protection Act 2018. The data controller is Citizen. The information collected in this survey will be used by Citizen to help shape the future Building Safety Customer Agreements, contact prize draw winners and contact about future engagement. All information produced will be anonymised. An external data processor stores your personal data on servers in the United Kingdom and they give an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission. By completing this survey you are agreeing to our privacy terms and conditions. More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the Data Protection legislation can be found in our privacy notice Citizen | Privacy ( Please click on 'How we use your information' and the 'Housing customers privacy notice' link.

Maximum 255 characters


This will help us understand the communication and engagement needs of your specific building.

Would you know what to do in the event of a fire emergency in your building?

* required

Building and Fire Safety - How safe do you currently feel in your home?

* required

Does Citizen provide adequate building and fire safety information for your building?

* required

How would you raise concerns or provide information to Citizen about the safety of your building? 

* required
(You can select more than one option)

Receiving Information: How would you like to receive information from Citizen relating to building and fire safety, in the future?

* required
(You can select more than one option)

Receiving Information: The Building Safety information can be requested in different languages and formats. Were you aware of this?


Providing Information: How would you like to engage with, or share your views with Citizen about fire safety?

(You can select more than one option)

Would you like to get involved and have your say in future projects?


As a thank you for completing this survey, would you like to be entered into a prize draw? You will have the chance to win a £100, £50 or £25 shopping voucher.

* required
If you choose to enter the prize draw, your details will only be used by the Engagement Team to contact winners.