Citizens Together Hub site feedback

Consultation has concluded

We want to make the Citizens Together Hub as user friendly as possible for our members. Your feedback will help us understand how we can improve our hub and provide you with a better experience.

We would like to gather your thoughts, suggestions, and comments about our hub.

Your input is invaluable to us, and we are grateful for your contribution towards making our hub the best it can be.

Click in the Newsfeed below to hear your voice and our action

We want to make the Citizens Together Hub as user friendly as possible for our members. Your feedback will help us understand how we can improve our hub and provide you with a better experience.

We would like to gather your thoughts, suggestions, and comments about our hub.

Your input is invaluable to us, and we are grateful for your contribution towards making our hub the best it can be.

Click in the Newsfeed below to hear your voice and our action

Consultation has concluded
  • We asked for your thoughts on the Citizens Together HUB

    Thankyou to everyone that completed the survey about this HUB. You told us it was quite difficult to find things and that the titles of the pages made it confusing. You wanted easier navigation.

  • How we are acting on your feedback!

    Thank you for all your thoughts, suggestions, and comments about our hub.

    Your input is invaluable to us, and we are grateful for your contribution towards making our hub the best it can be.

    You told us that you liked the HUB but it could be improved by:

    • Smaller images as they take too long to load on the page
    • Less sections as difficult to navigate and get lost in the site
    • More feedback after a survey or group discussion

    We are working though the site to reduce the number of HUBS. We hope by having just current and past engagement HUBS this will simplify how you find your way around the site. When a survey or engagement project has been completed we share the feedback and the action taken with the feedback.