Safeguarding Policy Review

We are currently reviewing the Safeguarding Policies (Adult Safeguarding and Children Safeguarding) to make sure that they reflect our shared responsibility to keep our customers safe and would like your feedback.

Why your feedback matters:

Our policies guide how we protect our customers, from providing safe accommodations to working closely with local Safeguarding Boards. They outline our commitment to preventing, identifying, and reporting neglect and abuse. Your perspective is crucial in making sure these policies are practical, clear, and effective.

We are holding an in-person session to gather feedback about the policy and understand the customers perspective.

If you would like to be involved, please complete the survey by clicking the link below to register your interest. We will contact customers on a first come first served basis, if you have not heard from the Engagement Team by Tuesday 17th September, please assume you have not been selected. We will have plenty more projects for you to get involved with in the coming future.

When: Wednesday 2nd October

Time: 12pm-2pm

As a thank you for your time and feedback we will be providing a £20 shopping voucher to those who attend the session.

We are currently reviewing the Safeguarding Policies (Adult Safeguarding and Children Safeguarding) to make sure that they reflect our shared responsibility to keep our customers safe and would like your feedback.

Why your feedback matters:

Our policies guide how we protect our customers, from providing safe accommodations to working closely with local Safeguarding Boards. They outline our commitment to preventing, identifying, and reporting neglect and abuse. Your perspective is crucial in making sure these policies are practical, clear, and effective.

We are holding an in-person session to gather feedback about the policy and understand the customers perspective.

If you would like to be involved, please complete the survey by clicking the link below to register your interest. We will contact customers on a first come first served basis, if you have not heard from the Engagement Team by Tuesday 17th September, please assume you have not been selected. We will have plenty more projects for you to get involved with in the coming future.

When: Wednesday 2nd October

Time: 12pm-2pm

As a thank you for your time and feedback we will be providing a £20 shopping voucher to those who attend the session.

  • This survey is being carried out by Citizen, in line with the UK GDPR Data Protection Act 2018. The data controller is Citizen. The information collected in this survey will be used by Citizen to contact people to join the safeguarding focus group. All information produced will be anonymised. An external data processor stores your personal data on servers on servers in the United Kingdom and they give an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission. By completing this survey you are agreeing to our privacy terms and conditions. More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the Data Protection legislation can be found in our privacy notice Citizen | Privacy (

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