Home ownership Group

We would like our home owners to help us improve the services we provide. This is a dedicated area for those customers who are shared owners or leaseholders.

We would like to talk to home owners about how we can improve customers service and what matters to you. We have identified some service area’s we want to improve that we will be reviewing:

  1. Building Safety
  2. Service Charges
  3. Sinking Funds and Major Repairs
  4. “Customer Experience”
  • Purchasing/ Moving in/ Being a home owner / Selling up
  1. New Ownership Products – Right to Shared Ownership etc…

If you would like to take part in this group then please e-mail engagement@citizen.org.uk

Members of the group you will have full access to High rise living forum page. Agendas, minutes and further discussions are available on this page.

We would like our home owners to help us improve the services we provide. This is a dedicated area for those customers who are shared owners or leaseholders.

We would like to talk to home owners about how we can improve customers service and what matters to you. We have identified some service area’s we want to improve that we will be reviewing:

  1. Building Safety
  2. Service Charges
  3. Sinking Funds and Major Repairs
  4. “Customer Experience”
  • Purchasing/ Moving in/ Being a home owner / Selling up
  1. New Ownership Products – Right to Shared Ownership etc…

If you would like to take part in this group then please e-mail engagement@citizen.org.uk

Members of the group you will have full access to High rise living forum page. Agendas, minutes and further discussions are available on this page.