High-Rise & High Risk Building Safety

Residents in high-rise buildings now have more say in how their building is kept safe, and can raise building safety concerns to Citizen who have a duty to listen.

To help us do this, we will be creating Building Safety Customer Agreements. These will include details such as:

  • Our responsibilities as your landlord.
  • How you would like to be communicated with regarding building and fire safety.
  • What you need to do in the event of a fire.
  • How you can make a complaint or report your concerns.

We need your views and feedback to help us develop these agreements.

As a thank you for completing our survey, you can choose to be entered in to the prize draw to win one of the following prizes:

1st Prize - £100 Voucher

2nd Prize - £50 Voucher

3rd Prize - £25 Voucher

The survey will close end of September. Prize draw winners will be notified the in October 2024

Residents in high-rise buildings now have more say in how their building is kept safe, and can raise building safety concerns to Citizen who have a duty to listen.

To help us do this, we will be creating Building Safety Customer Agreements. These will include details such as:

  • Our responsibilities as your landlord.
  • How you would like to be communicated with regarding building and fire safety.
  • What you need to do in the event of a fire.
  • How you can make a complaint or report your concerns.

We need your views and feedback to help us develop these agreements.

As a thank you for completing our survey, you can choose to be entered in to the prize draw to win one of the following prizes:

1st Prize - £100 Voucher

2nd Prize - £50 Voucher

3rd Prize - £25 Voucher

The survey will close end of September. Prize draw winners will be notified the in October 2024

  • This survey is being carried out by Citizen, in line with the UK GDPR Data Protection Act 2018. The data controller is Citizen. The information collected in this survey will be used by Citizen to help shape the future Building Safety Customer Agreements, contact prize draw winners and contact about future engagement. All information produced will be anonymised. An external data processor stores your personal data on servers in the United Kingdom and they give an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission. By completing this survey you are agreeing to our privacy terms and conditions. More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the Data Protection legislation can be found in our privacy notice Citizen | Privacy (citizenhousing.org.uk) Please click on 'How we use your information' and the 'Housing customers privacy notice' link.

    Take Survey